Wood veneer processing: from just-in-time to big orders

Process organisations, technological equipment, know-how, experience, raw material: in our specialised departments dedicated to wood veneer processing we are able to manage every kind of order, supplying a wide-ranging service for completely different needs and customers.

Wood veneer processing at high-level difficulty
We are specialised in complex wood veneer processing that demands extreme expertise in satisfying the maximum quality requirements. Big inlayed surfaces, orders of pieces to be joined harmoniously in a single environment, coverings with precious materials with perfect aesthetic, are examples of workings that we realise regularly and continuously.

Just-in-time wood veneer processings on small quantities
The flexible organisation of our productive departments allows us to respond very quickly to the demands orders with small veneer quantity. A fundamental service r to always stand by our customers.

Big orders and contract
Big orders, with a great number of pieces, require maximum organisation in wood veneer processing, precision and rigour, to guarantee qualitative regularity, compliance with delivery time and adequate costs.

Continuous orders on medium quantity
Qualitative regularity, speed and reliability are at the base of the continuative productions that our customers require for furniture, doors, floors and any other mass product.
It is a work that involves standardisation of process and result, based on long-term trust and cooperation in the supply of the veneer processing service.