To-Wood: the world of veneer backing
Leonardo Tranciati is structured with an internal department dedicated to the backing of veneer.
To-Wood is a family of coupled veneers, completely personalised nad optimised products based on the requests of the customer in terms of robustness, resistance and flexibility.
Thanks to high qualified personnel, dedicated machinery and internal know-how, we can respond with the maximum quality to the request of our customers finding innovative solutions to new and specific problems.

The innovative versatility of To-Wood coupled veneer
The technology of wood veneer backing opens up many innovative possible uses: To-Wood coupled veneers find application in the most different contexts, depending on the type of backing and the production technique.

Paper-To-Wood, veneer with paper backing
In the artisanal inlay workings, as well as in the series productions, the veneer backing is a fundamental phase in the production cycle of the wood veneers. The coupling of veneer with a special paper backing, a light backing specific for this application, improves the workability of the sheets: Paper-To-Wood ensure robustness and resistance in the following production phases.

Flex-To-Wood, flexible coupled veneer
Using flexible backings, wood becomes surprisingly soft. Flexible wood veneer, such as the veneer coupled with fabric, finds application in different coating contexts, from curved surfaces to the solution where reduced thicknesses are required, whether it is furniture, vertical surfaces, furnishing accessories or different types of objects. Wood transforms itself and becomes flexible, thin and light. This technology opens up new creative and project possibilities, overcoming the physical limits of a material incomparable for naturalness and warmth.

Wood-To-Wood, veneer coupled with veneer
Lightness, structure, contrasting effects on wood: by pressing a sheet of veneer on a rigid material you can obtain optimal performances form the resistance and material stability point of view, without renouncing to the possibility of a thin thickness.
Wood-To-Wood permits to obtain special aesthetic effects because it is workable so that the other layers of wood can be seen with contrasting effects.

Adhesive-To-Wood, adhesive coupled veneer
For the easiest application it is possible to couple the veneer with double-sided paper backings.
Adhesive-To-Wood is ready to be glued on different surfaces without using other glues.

New solutions: To-Wood coupled veneer as innovation in the industrial processes
To-Wood coupled veneer can solve in an extremely simple and efficient way the problems and complexities connected with different traditional workings.
The backing solution can bring efficiency and innovation in the productive processes, as for example in the case of coating curved surfaces or of gluing veneer on such material for which the glue would be particularly aggressive.

To-Wood coupled veneer finishes
To-Wood coupled veneer sheets undergo a subsequent processing of sanding that is done internally and that cleans the product from impurities and imperfections in addition to calibrating the thicknesses, preparing the material for other workings and making the veneer even more flexible. With the additional finish of brushing, it is also possible to emphasise the natural grain of the wood, bringing out its warm and welcoming material characteristics.

To-Wood research and development
The performances of To-Wood coupled veneer depend on the correct balance of production techniques and materials used, that will confer to the product different characteristics based on the subsequent application. The continuous internal activity of research and development allows us to develop not only optimisations of our processes, but also new technical solutions on the finished product.